Hi There,
I try to write posts ahead of time so I can try to keep up with the DIY Wednesdays. When I first did this post, I talked about how one of my good friends was also pregnant. But as of two days ago, she isn't pregnant and is a new mom! Her little baby boy, Colin was born on the 19th.
I try to write posts ahead of time so I can try to keep up with the DIY Wednesdays. When I first did this post, I talked about how one of my good friends was also pregnant. But as of two days ago, she isn't pregnant and is a new mom! Her little baby boy, Colin was born on the 19th.
So, I redrafted this post as a bit of a welcome to the world Colin post. We had a joint shower in December and I made her some burp cloths (that are blue...I guessed correctly that it was a boy!) and a scrapbook. I made the scrapbook in a Jungle theme to match her nursery theme. I left the pages open to add pictures since she'll probably be way too busy with a new baby to scrapbook. Hopefully, this helps her keep up a little bit.
Anyways, Congratulations Eli and Angie! Enjoy your new parenthood!