Sunday, May 27, 2012

Show & Tell: Blood Sugar/Glucose Meter Cover Take Two

Hello Everyone!
If you have read my blog for long, you will have seen this project before. A few years ago I had to started recording my blood sugars. I found those black glucose meter cases to be awfully boring and ugly. Last time I used my sewing machine, and it was quite difficult. I got a new meter with a new type of case. This time, I decided to hand sew and it seems to have turned out quite well this time around. So, yeah, no sewing machine needed!

 It's such an easy project! Just take a piece of scrap fabric and fold under the rough edge. The corners are the trickiest part. It might be easy to cut around the edge in a curve.

New and old meter. My old one has a pocket but I never used it, so I didn't bother this time.


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