I meant to blog this weekend about this easy project, but I attended a birthday party and baby shower. It was a fun but tiring weekend. So, you get your DIY Sunday on a Monday, and you're going to like it! (Please)
Our home tends to be the place where lost and lonely pets find their forever home. It's an occupational hazard being a veterinarian's wife. Well, I swore I would never have a cat inside. I didn't grow up with cats, and I'm a self proclaimed crazy dog lady. However, there was a kitten that was abandoned near my in-laws house. The kitten was so little he couldn't eat on his own. So, I somehow got roped into bottle feeding this kitten. Then, the kitten convinced me to allow a cat in the house. I mean, not only is he adorable, but we've had a couple mice in the house. Our westie was a great mouser, but she's no longer with us. So cute kitten it is. He better learn to kill mice or else! Okay. I probably wouldn't do anything. He is adorable.
Cute kitten is now named Maximus (to go along with our outdoor cats: Rapunzal, Flynn and Rider) and he's really annoying. Well, at least while I'm working. He likes to play with feet and climb up your leg to sleep on your face. I had to make some sort of solution to this, because it was driving me insane. (Which of course with two children under 6 and three dogs is a very short trip)
I saw a clever idea for a desk foot hammock on Pinterest a year or so ago. I had been meaning to give it a DIY try, and I'm happy to report that with some very simple sewing skills, it's a project you can finish in an hour for next to nothing. This project isn't just for people with crazy kittens. It would be great for anyone that wants to put their feet up at their desk. I'm looking at you pregnant ladies!
DIY Desk Foot Hammock
Fabric (I used some scraps I had left over from my office chair recovering. [Click here for the tutorial]. I used a piece that was about a yard long and 8 inches or so wide)
Sewing Machine or Needle and Thread.
Dowel (I had a spare dowel sitting around, but they are only about a 1$ in the craft section. They are long, so you should only need one dowel)
Twine or Rope
2 rings (I had some D rings in my craft stash, but any type of ring would work. Key ring, washer, etc.)
2 Eye Screws
Total Cost: Free! (or around $3.00 if you need to buy supplies)
1. Sew a Pouch
Since my piece of fabric was long and skinny, I folded it in half "hamburger" way, right side to right side. I then had a rectangle of fabric with one short end folded and the other three sides raw. The only fabric visible was the wrong side (e.g. the side with no pattern).
However, your fabric size may differ. You can make this work no matter the shape of your fabric. If you have a large piece of fabric, fold it so you have a rectangle and the right sides are facing each other. If you have two pieces of fabric, you don't even need to fold. Just put the right sides facing each other and cut out a rectangle.
You will then want to sew everything except the fold side and a small opening on one of the short sides. You will need the opening big enough to pull all the fabric through. Once you're done sewing, pull your fabric through the small opening so the right side of the fabric is facing out. Sew up the opening so it's clean and raw edge free.
2. Sew Pockets for the Dowels
Note: if you want a more finished look, before sewing your rod/dowel pockets, you can use your button hole attachment to make hole on the piece that is folding over and the fabric under the fold over. (See Step 3 to understand what the holes are for) I didn't do this, because I didn't mind if my holes for the twine were raw. Just don't think you're going to use the button hole attachment after you create the pocket. I was stupid and thought that would work...but obviously since you need a rod to slide through, it didn't.
An example of how not to cut the slits/make button holes. You end up with a mess if you try to use the button hole attachment after you make your dowel/rod pocket.
3. Cut Holes for Twine
Once you have created your two pockets, you need to cut two slits on both short sides for a total of four slits/holes. This is where you will thread your twine through after you insert your dowels/rods.
4. Insert Dowels/Rods and Sew Shut
Slip your rod into the pocket. If you have a large dowel, slip the dowel in, and mark where you need to cut it. I cut mine by scoring around the dowel with scissors and then just applying pressure on the score mark. You can also use a saw to create a cleaner cut. Once you have your two dowels inserted into each short end, sew the pockets shut. You don't want your dowel/rod slipping out.
5. Thread Twine and Attach to Rings
This process was easier than I thought it would be. I attached my twine to a large safety pin and threaded it through the hole. It's important that you go below the rod. You want the rod, not the fabric, to take the weight of your feet.
Once I had all four holes threaded, I eyeballed the twine to make sure it was a equal length on all four sections. You want to make sure the hammock hangs straight, so each piece of twine should be equal lengths. I then knotted each side to a D ring.
6. Attach Eye Screws & Hang
Since I have a DIY desk (Click here for the post), I had no problem screwing a eye screw into the side of the saw horses. You may need to look at your desk closely to see where the best place (i.e. the most solid piece of wood) is located. Once I had the eye screw attached, I just had to thread another piece of twine through the eye screw and tie both ends on to the D ring.
Enjoy your DIY foot hammock! My feet are safe from the crazy kitten, and they are chillin' like a villian. :)

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