Tuesday, April 7, 2009

DIY Wednesdays

Here's my DIY Wednesday post from last week on my Krista Marie Photography Blog.
So, here's another installment of my DIY Wednesdays. I am in the middle of a rather large project that I'm excited to post next week, but until then, I thought I would post a mini-DIY project: decorating my house. I am by no means particularly awesome at home decor. I simply don't get colors at times. However, I have noticed that the more I do with my house, the more it seems to be coming together. When I first painted my house, my parents didn't get it (an orange kitchen?!? A grey living room?!?!) Apparently, the vision in my head is a bit more coherent than I give myself credit for.

My recent purchases: a couch, a chair, curtains for the living room and new lamps, curtains and comforter for the bedroom. The pictures are less than stellar, but that's what you get with a point and shoot that's five years old. :)
If crafts actually interest you (I'm an old lady when it comes to this type of stuff, so I don't really expect normal college kids to be interested), you can check out my crafts blog at www.thedabblingcrafter.blogspot.com

Here's Spencer modeling our new couch. Do you like the nice mess on the poor coffee table. My husband's grandfather made the coffee table. (He was EXTREMELY talented)

Here's the chair. Interesting print...and very comfy!

Here's the lamp I bought for the bedroom. Each nightstand has one. Simple, but with the blue walls, I thought that was the best.

One more picture of the couch...you can see the new curtains and the new artwork I did. (you can't see the other canvas. I did two and hung them side-by-side)

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