I've been a bit quiet on the blog over the past week because we've been in full on kitchen remodel mode. I plan on doing a tutorial on how to remove tile back splash next, because, YES we have finally removed all the red tile! Can I get a hallelujah? To tie everyone over until then I thought I would share a little quick project I did during nap time Sunday. Yes. Completely done during 1 nap time. Not to mention, the entire project cost me $5.00.

I'd like to take the credit for the idea to create picture ledges, but the credit goes all to Ana White (formally Knock Off Wood). It was one project that didn't require fancy power tools that I didn't have, and it was easy and cheap. That's how I like my projects...and men? No wait. That's not right.
I have made these picture ledges previously with the aid of my husband for our daughter's bedroom. They made the trip to our new home and are working perfectly 4 years later. And they stand up to the abuse of a 4 year old hanging off them!
But, I wanted some for myself, and I had the perfect place in Ugly House's living room. Plus I am now more proliferate in how to use power tools so I wanted to do it all by myself. Well...I did have to go ask my neighbor how to connect my air hose to my new air compressor. (Husband was out on a call). Thank goodness for handy nice neighbors!

So, here's the break down of the cost of this project and how I saved time and money. I knew I didn't want huge long shelves like I did with my daughter. So, I didn't need to buy long pieces of wood (huge plus when you don't have a truck to haul wood). I went down the prefinished wood aisle at Lowe's and picked up each board for under $1.00. Plus, no cuts were needed since they were already 4 feet long. Once I had the boards home, I just had to do a very light sanding, and then using wood screws and my air nail gun (my first time using this Christmas gift I got from my parents!), the boards took maybe 15 minutes to connect. Quick coat of Annie Sloan chalk paint, and the boards were ready to be hung before the kids even woke up.

Beautiful right? I'm one of those people that doesn't like to sugar coat my projects. Isn't that grey color wonderful? Well...errr. I'm not done with my painting. I just painted enough to hang these shelves. This is the reality of my living room right now.

And to give a more realistic view of our house mid-renovation, here's the kitchen, banister, and trim. I'll be done in a month.**crosses fingers**

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