Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Show & Tell: Silhouette Vinyl on Vintage Window


We finally picked up our last moving boxes from my mother-in-law's house. Now we just need to find a place for the couple of boxes that remain at my parents, and we're finally unpacked. It only has taken a year. I think I'd rather go through childbirth before I would move again, and that was 30 hours of pure torture with my daughter. A fact I will remind her of constantly when she is a teenager rolling her eyes at me or maybe later today. She is a 4 year old going on 16.

One of the last items I unpacked was a stained glass window. I had it hanging in our bedroom at our old house. While I love vintage items, this window has an even more special meaning. The stained glass is from our first home together when we got married. I loved that little 900 square foot home. It had a fun orange kitchen, huge backyard and tulips that came up every spring.

When I first put the window up, I had cut a vinyl with my husband's favorite bible verse. The verse was his confirmation verse. If I remember correctly, he also wrote it on the bottom of his wrestling shoes the year he won state. However, I cut the vinyl too small and it was pretty plain. I have learned a thing or two since I got my Silhouette and one of those things is if you can find the right design, it's worth the $0.99 to just purchase it rather than attempt to create it on your own. While I like to think of myself as creative, I am not an artist by any means. I'll leave the graphic design to the experts.

When I went to put on the new design yesterday, I noticed my beloved window was shedding paint chips everywhere. The layers of latex paint were flaking. That's to be expected on such an old window. I decided to take a razor blade to the window to remove the chipped paint. The look actually makes the window look more salvaged (if that’s a thing). I like how the blue, cream and white came out once I got the loose paint off. I hung up the window up where my someday beautiful window will go. Someday...


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