Looking for a fun gift idea or family activity? This DIY project is super fun. I made it for the party, but you could easily make it for your family or make it as a fun gift idea. It works as a gift at anytime of year and is a good way to get your family up and moving. Add in a cute homemade sack, and you have a fun unique gift idea!
I had heard of indoor snowball fights through a local store. They sell kits and host monthly snowball fights. There are several ways you can play this game. You could create some cool box forts to hide behind, or you could do what we're going to do and put down a masking tape line. After a set amount of time, the team with the least amount of snowballs on their side wins.
Creating the snowballs is pretty easy and cheap. You just need white nylons and poly fill. I found the gumball nylon knee highs at Wal-Mart for $0.33 a pair. I could only find three pure white pairs at my local store. One 16 ounce bag of poly fill is almost twice what you need to make 24 snowballs. I used Just One Mom Trying's tutorial on how to create the snowballs. Basically, you knot the nylon twice after stuffing and cut in between each knot. My daughter even helped me stuff the nylons!

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